PoptropiCon Island is Poptropica’s 40th island, and its first episode was released to members onAugust 28, 2014, plus it came out for everyone on September 18, 2014. For its release, the login screen featured cosplaying characters running across, as well as text advertising Captain Crawfish’s video guide. Poptropica Inside and Out. PoptropiCon Episode 2 Guide. Thank you to Trusty Biker for writing the walk through! So when you drop down, they’ll play a short scene about the Might Arrows Action Force (a light will shine up in the air featuring them). Then go inside and click start. The guy next to you tells you whoever comes up with the best.
Note: This post is done by Trusty Biker, and she will acknowledge herself. All other SNS are PUBLISHED by Trusty Biker, but are worked on together. IT hasn’t completed PCon 3, so she could not do this.
Hello everyone! Welcome to the 5th Sunday Night Special! The last one was done by Silver Speck, and it was A Poptropican’s Guide to Shopping! Click the link and enjoy!
Anyway, on Thursday, PoptropiCon Episode 3 came out for members. I completed it, and got #219.  But to be honest, I wouldn’t have completed it if it wasn’t for PHB author Brave Tomato’s comment that helped me get through a difficult part 😀
I’m trying to get the guide up soon, and even though I had written the walkthroughs for the other two episodes, they’re all on Wix, and I haven’t transferred them yet. I’ll let you know when I do, and I’ll even post a special post just for you guys to tell you that I’ve written the PoptropiCon walkthrough.
But you wanted a review, didn’t you? You wanted a post that reveals all the secrets, and my opinions, of PopCon3. So why don’t you click that READ MORE button and find out what it’s all about?
Youtube Poptropica Bignate
So, as I’ve mentioned before, I got in place #219. Don’t believe me? Go to the World Champions Map and put in the username ihg0119.
I wanted to put in pictures in this post, but I’m afraid I can’t do it. Sorry 😦
Anyway, let’s say you’re stuck in the island. You need to get past a specific part, but you can’t do it. Look at this quick list I put together below to see if I could help you.
- To get past the pink laser things, go next to them while holding World Guy’s shield. Press spacebar, and try to aim it on another laser shooter.
- To get past the green wall type things, find a glowing triangle, and shoot Elf Archer’s bow at it.
- To break the crystal, find the energy drink in the basement, on the table. Power up the vending machine with GoldFace’s gloves, click on it, and an energy drink will pop out. The wizard-dressed guy will give you one when you save him.
- To beat the final boss in the end, shoot down the two hands with the lasers, then step on them and power them up. When you reach the top, shoot the green triangle. Do this once more on the first side, and then repeat it on the other. To break the pink lightning bolt eyeball, just angle a laser to hit it.
That’s basically the hardest parts of the island. But you obviously want to know what I think of it. So here we go. This is my paragraph review.
PoptropiCon Episode 3 was satisfying. At least, I liked it a lot better than Galactic Hot Dogs Island. The plot twists were kind of cool, but I was kind of bummed that Alpeagon didn’t show up. From the way they were talking (and the comments), I was sure Alphagon was going to show up. I guess he was on vacation. I didn’t think that it was worth membership, to be honest with you. I think I could’ve waited until it came out for nonmembers and I would’ve been just fine. Other than that, I liked the island. It was fun to play, and not all that long. There were some hard parts, but I liked them anyway, and I thought they were fun.

There. Are you happy now? I did what you asked for. But, I need to give you one more thing. Something that will blow your mind off.

So even though I don’t have time to write a full island guide, here’s a quickie guide just for you. Maybe you’re smart and can figure it out!
- Talk to the lady from the Costume Closet, then talk to the guy next her and get the comic strip
- Get the Energy Drink from the table on the left and play the mighty action force card game
- Go to the Exhibit Hall and get the Silver Age Shield
- Destroy all the lasers and rescue the Elf Archer-get her arrow
- Go to the Expo Floor, watch the cut-scene, and rescue Goldface- get his Power Gloves
- Power up the gloves in the expo floor, and power up the thing next to it- rescue the man and get another energy drink
- Rescue World Guy from the Theater (by this point, you can probably figure it out).Don’t worry when your shield melts, you’ll get another from World Guy
- Watch the super long cut-scene, then go to the theater
- Put all energy drinks in the crystal, power up the thing, shoot your arrow into the crystal
- Use the tip above to beat the boss level
Well, that was my quickie guide, and my review, so I hope you liked it! Rate it at the top, like this, and leave a comment!
Also be sure to check out my new YouTube channel! The link is on the right column!
Trusty Biker
Youtube Poptropica Walkthrough Poptropicon
P.S. Here’s Captain Crawfish’s walkthrough for the island!
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