- Dec 20, 2010 They say that in the deepest, darkest woods of New Jersey's Pine Barrens, Mother Leeds was about to give birth to her 13th child. 'Let it be a devil!' She cried in exasperation. When the baby was born it sprouted wings and horns, and flew off into the night. Since then, sightings of the 'Jersey Devil' have persisted throughout southern New Jersey.
- Poptropica Cheats and Walkthroughs Most of your time spent in Poptropica is trying to solve the different island quests and missions. A new island quest is added every few months to the game, and special advertising and other mini-missions appear in Poptropica all the time.
May 01, 2012 The Voynich Code - The Worlds Most Mysterious Manuscript - The Secrets of Nature - Duration: 50:21. The Secrets of Nature Recommended for you.
Cryptids Island is here! Before you take on some of the world's most fearsome mythical monsters, we'd like to tell you a little bit about the legends.They say that in the deepest, darkest woods of New Jersey's Pine Barrens, Mother Leeds was about to give birth to her 13th child. 'Let it be a devil!' she cried in exasperation. When the baby was born it sprouted wings and horns, and flew off into the night.
Poptropica Walkthrough Arabian Nights 3
Since then, sightings of the 'Jersey Devil' have persisted throughout southern New Jersey. Footprints, unearthly howls, even direct sightings have been reported. A naval commander once fired a cannonball at a strange creature he thought to be the Jersey Devil, to no effect.
Today, tales of the Jersey Devil are largely dismissed, and the creature itself is thought of as a joke. It even inspired the name of an ice hockey team, the New Jersey Devils. But there are still those who claim they can hear the beast's eerie wail in the night...
Do you believe in the Jersey Devil?
Poptropica Jersey Devil Walkthrough 2

Poptropica Walkthrough Pelican Rock
- Go right past the mansion, the dog lady, and the two adventurers, and you will find a $5 bill in the last tree at the right.
- Return to the General Store and buy a sports drink.
- Go back to the thirsty gardener and give him the drink, and get his garden shears (hedge trimmer). Take them and go left, past Main Street to the Cliff Park.
- Cliff Park and the Kite Store
- Go left past the balloon chairs and give the hang glider woman a push.
- Use the shears to cut loose the hot air balloon, and you get some nylon rope. Go back to Main Street.
- Get the free use of the KiteSurfer X-250 by showing the nylon rope.
- Take it back to Cliff Park and launch it at the far left rocks.
- After you ski for awhile, the evil Gretchen Grimlock shoots the kite with a flare gun, leaving you to drown. You are rescued by a helicopter from Mews
- Mews Mansion
- Recovering at the mansion, you are visited by Mews, who wants to help you on your quest. Drink the rest of your medicine and follow him downstairs.
- In the Museum, review the 5 cryptids. One, the giant squid, is confirmed, and you are to seek proof of the other four at locations around the globe.
- Exit the house and go right to the heliport to begin your hunt.
- Loch Ness (Nessie)
- The ticket counter for the Rowboat and Submarine is closed, but you can view the loch from the hill above, using the binocular telescope.
- Help the man whose truck is stuck : let some air out of the tires to lower it. He will give you his Digital Camera. Continue right to the Pub.
- In the Pub, pick up the book of matches from the bar.
- Play darts against the players there. If you win, you get a Rowboat Ticket. (to throw, aim at the center and 'pull back' -- lower your dart -- between 1/2 and 3/4 of the way to the dartboard edge, then release)
- Go left and take the Rowboat ride, and get a photo of some 'humps' in the water. You can now return to the Mews Mansion, but to save travel, you can continue on to the next site, the Himalayas.
- Himalayas (Yeti / Bigfoot)
- Since initially you can get no guide, climb left up the mountain until you meet a Sherpa.
- With the Sherpa, climb the mountain using the Rope Anchors. As you go up, you must tie off the anchor and wait for the Sherpa to catch up. (Even if you don't slip, the play is extremely glitchy.)
- At the mountain-top monastery, go in and talk to the head monk. He will not give you the Yeti scalp, but does give you a lantern.
- Leaving, climb the mountain at left, and meet a monk who will challenge you to a simple game of Hunt The Yeti (fox and hounds), which you must win to go further.
- Go down the path and up farther left, and find the Yeti Footprint. Take a photo, then go back down across the rope bridge to return to the helicopter. The next stop is Puerto Rico.
- Puerto Rico (Chupacabra)
- Meet the goat herder, who rescues another of Gretchen's victims from a tree. He offers to let you use his jeep to drive around the countryside.
- In the jeep, drive up the road to the first 'star' (middle right) on the map. This is the herder's brother, who shows you some fur on his barbed wire, supposedly from the chupacabra. Collect it from the fence.
- The rest of the path takes you through fences, streams, and herds of goats.
- If you continue to drive to the other stars, you can find Bolt Cutters at the upper left star (climb the springy poles). You will get information from other locals about the habits of the chupacabra, and find a likely capture location, Snaggletooth Rock (the center star). But these are not required and you must return later anyway. Drive back to the copter and go to New Jersey.
- New Jersey (Jersey Devil)
- At a gas station in a wooded area near the interstate, enter the restroom to find evidence of the Jersey Devil. Writing on the wall outside and inside gives you clues.
* If you collected the bolt cutters at Puerto Rico, you can open the dumpster at the gas station. Inside is the removed toilet door. When placed next to the other door, it gives complete (if roundabout) directions to the house in the forest : right, left, left, right, right, right, left, left.- As it is dark in the woods, use the Matches to light your Lantern.
- Hop on the motorcycle parked nearby and drive into the woods. Use your directions (or just take the first right, and then left, then right and left again, then again). This brings you to a cul-de-sac where you park and Look Around.
- Walk up the path to the deserted house. Climb the stairs and push the dresser over to reach the attic, where sounds are being made. You find that it is only a raccoon. Pick up the Grappling Hook near the barrel.
- As you leave, the Jersey Devil appears in the window! Unfortunately, you never get a photo. Go outside, where the Devil has a nest in a tall tree.
- Use the grapple to reach the nest and recover pieces of egg shells from the nest. You now have evidence on all 4 creatures, so return to Mews.
- Mews Museum Laboratory
- Unfortunately, the Nessie photo is only tires in the water, but there is a suspicious shadowy form in the background. The photo of the Yeti footprint is only a snowboot mark. And using the DNA analyzer shows the Chupacabra fur is just a coyote. But you do confirm one of the four : the Egg Shells are definitive proof of the unknown DNA of the Jersey Devil. You have to return to Loch Ness and to Puerto Rico.
- Loch Ness 2 (Nessie)
- Confront the Rowboat guide about the fake photo. He leaves you the boat.
- Return to the pub for more conversation and more darts, this time for a Submarine ticket.
- Take the Submarine tour, stopping to get a photo of a 'Nessie' on the bottom. It looks suspiciously like a hoax.
- Back at the pub, the players confirm the hoax, but the first dart player returns for a rematch. When you win, he refuses to give you anything. But the bartender gives you a Pennywhistle that is rumored to attract Nessie.
- Return to the Rowboat and go left, then farther left into a small cove.
- Blow the pennywhistle and a huge Nessie will emerge from the water!
- Take a photo and return to the copter. (You can return later to show up the haughty dart player and display your photo.)
- Puerto Rico 2 (Chupacabra)
- In your absence, the goat herder has decided to catch the Chupacabra. Take his jeep to his brother's house again, where he suggests you use the jeep to corral three spotted goats into the rocks at Snaggletooth Rock (center star on map) as bait for the chupacabra.
- Drive over, and steer around the three spotted goats until they are all between the rocks. Get out and meet the goat herder, who has a plan.
- After a short wait, his 'trap' succeeds, and the Chupacabra is in a locked and chained box. Unfortunately, as you push it toward the truck, the box bursts open, releasing the savage Chupacabra, who knocks you down and escapes!
- Fortunately, he has lost a tooth in the process, and you recover it. You can take the tooth and your Nessie photo back to Mews.
- Mews Museum Laboratory
- The photo and the tooth confirm both Nessie and the Chupacabra, leaving only the Yeti / Bigfoot unproven. But Mews has word of a sighting, so you fly the helicopter to the Pacific Northwest to investigate.
- Pacific Northwest (Bigfoot)
- You sight Bigfoot travelling on the ground through trees. Keep him in view from the helicopter as he moves, for about two or three minutes until he reaches some caves.
- You report to Mews, but Gretchen has bugged the com line, and swoops in using her own copter to trap Bigfoot in a cage. You have to fly in close to her to stop her.
- Jump from your copter to hers, avoiding the rotor blades. To stop her, you have to open her copter's gas tank, spilling out the fuel. Quickly jump down to the cage and use the shears to cut the connecting rope.
- You descend to the ground safely using the cage's parachute.
- Mews Museum (Finale)
- The existence of Bigfoot is finally confirmed, and you are the winner of the million-dollar prize. But Mews has had financial trouble and has no funds left to buy the cave site to use as a Bigfoot preserve. So you turn down the money. :-(
- But you have confirmed all the cryptids and win the Island Medallion
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